Salauddin Ahmed is helping students on their homework
Founder Ali Zaker is giving plauq to Congressman Chaka Fatha on Graduates Ceromony,2012
Dr. Faruq Siddiqui is helping students on their homework.
Congressman Chaka Fatha is giving trophies to High School Graduates,2012

Dr. Fafuq Siddiqui and Najneen Kabita and Moder Patshala's students.

Astronomer Dr. Derrick Pitts, Franklin institute was giving his speech on Graduation Ceromony, 2012.

Ali Zaker and student, Jarin were reading a story together.

Moder Patshalas founder,Ali Zaker was giving his speech on Graduates ceromony, 2012.

Moder Patshalas co-founder, Najneen Kabita was helping the students.

. Pennsylvania House of Representative, James R. Roebuck was giving speech on Graduates Ceromony on 2011.

Dr. Hyder Ali was helping the students.

Mr. Roebuck received a honourable pluque from Moder Patshala's volunteers,2011.

Dr. Fatema Ahmed was giving trophies to essay(International Mother Language Day)competetors,2012.

. Mr. Momtajuddin was receiving honorable plauqe from Moder Patshala's volunteers,2011.

volunteer tutor, Kabir Golam (middle), and founder Ali Zaker (left) with students.

Momtajuddin Ahmed (right), Minister (cultural), Bangladesh Permanent Mission to the United Nation was giving trophies to graduates on Graduates ceromony, 2011.

Ripan Saha was helping the students.

Salauddin Ahmed was declaring Julie Joarder and Salim Shamsuzzaman's name for best perticipation of community service 2011.

Dr. Wadud Bhuiya (middle) with the students.

Congressman Joe Sestak with Ali Zaker(left) and Najneen Kabita (right), 2009.

Emaly Sadler was helping a student.

Congressman Joe Sestak was giving speech to graduates on Graduates ceromony,2009.

Mohammed Ishaque was helping the students.

Mr. Sestak with graduates and volunteers, 2009.

Dr. Ibrul Hassan Chowdury was helping the students.

High school graduates,2008

Jennifer Butler was helping the students.

Vincent Hughes, State Senetor, State of Pennsylvania was giving trophies to groduates on Graduates Ceromony, 2008.

. Dr. Nina Ahmed was saying some words on Graduates Ceromony,2008

Solomon Jones, Director of community outreach, Congressman Chaka Fatha's office was giving speech on Graduates ceromony, 2008.

Celebrated Bangladesh Independance Day at Moder Patshala, 2006

5th and 8th grade's students received trophies for their academic achievement, 2008.

Salauddin Ahmed was singing on Bangladesh Independance Day at Moder Patshala.

Abu Rahman and Shelly Rahaman on Grduates Ceromony, 2008

Tasi and others singing Bangladeshi Anthem on Independance Day.

Najneen Kabita was giving plaques to essay(Aim in life) competetors, 2008.

Moder Patshala's co-founder and first volunteer tutor,Jahangir Alam Khan and Rafiqul Islam , best friend of Moder Patshala on community gathering program

Profesor Dr.Abul Hussam was giving Trophies to graduates on Graduation Ceromony, 2007.

From left founder Ali Zaker and volunteer tutors Ripan Saha, Salauddin Ahmed, Dr. Hyder Ali and Dr. Ibrul Hassan Chowdhury (right).

Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed was giving speech on Graduates Ceromony,2007.

Moder Patshalas volunteers and students.

In ESOL Program at Moder Patshala, Ms. Elizabeth and parents working together.

In ESOL program, parents are learning English at Moder Patshala.

The guests from School District of Boston visited Moder Patshala.

Certificate issued by School District of Philadelphia and Moder Patshala to parents.

Ms.Linda, From School District of Philadelphia with Moder Patshala's parents in ESOL program at Moder Patshala, 2012.

Parents received certificates at the end of their classes (10 weeks) from Parents University, School District of Philadelphia and Moder Patshala, 2012.

Ellen Polsky, Director of Education, Nationalities Service Center was preparing to give lesson to parents at Moder Patshala.

Parents and volunteers at Moder Patshala.
From left Elezabeth A. Thamm,Ludy Soderman , Linda Maldonado, Karen L. James , Najneen Kabita, Ali Zaker

Ms. Linda was giving certificate to parents.

Moder Patshala's founder Ali Zaker, Najneen Kabita and volunteer teacher Golam Kabir.

Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed teaching Moder Patshala's students how to recite poem.

Ali Zaker went to receive school supplies and bookbags for students at Westin Hotel from Glaxo Smithline INC.

Tasi and others were singing Bangladeshi Anthem on Bangladesh independence Day,2010

Dr. Faruq Siddidui, Dr. Ibrul Chowdhury and Najneen Kabita distributing bookbags to students.

From left Salauddin Ahmed, Ludy Soderman and Ali Zaker were distributing winter coat to students.

Distributing winter coat

Performing Bangladeshi dance.

Mohammed Kazal was giving prizes,2012

Moder Patshala's students were playing chess,2012

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